38 Chef Quotes To Get You Inspired

Grit hp - Hospitality
5 min readApr 3, 2019

In life, so many rules are forced upon us that can discourage our inspiration in whatever we do. Even the greatest chefs have felt this but triumphed their way through and over it. If you want to become the best of the best in the kitchen and lead your team towards innovative recipes, you need to be willing to adapt and deviate away from the standard way of doing things and break the rules. In other words become a rebel with ethical standards. Because the kitchen is your territory, it’s your home, and it’s your arena, and it’s your gallery where art is created! So enough talking, here are some wise and famous quotes, to get you into your cooking zone from the best Chefs the culinary world has brought us so far.

“Learning to season in cooking is like learning to stickhandle in hockey; it’s absolutely fundamental.” — Rob Feenie

“If you don’t follow your dream, who will?” — Emeril Lagasse

“It’s okay to play with your food.” — Emeril Lagasse

“You could probably get through life without knowing how to roast a chicken, but the question is, would you want to?” — Nigella Lawson

“No rules. Don’t be afraid to do whatever you want. Cooking doesn’t have to have rules. I don’t like it that way.” — Masaharu Morimoto

“Cooking is like painting or writing a song. Just as there are only so many notes or colors, there are only so many flavors — it’s how you combine them that sets you apart.” — Wolfgang Puck

“When you have made as many mistakes as I have then you can be as good as me.” — Wolfgang Puck

“You don’t need a silver fork to eat good food.” — Paul Prudhomme

“Remember, it is never the knife’s fault.” — Daniel Boulud

“Cook more often. Don’t study; just cook.” — Masaharu Morimoto

“There’s no bigger pain anywhere in the world than a vegetarian.” — Gordon Ramsay

“Initially let your food do the talking. You’ll be surprised how far you go in a short period of time.” — Gordon Ramsay

“When you’re running a restaurant, you have to change with the times; otherwise, the times will change you.” — Gordon Ramsay

“Don’t try to be the next Rachael Ray or Bobby Flay, we already have those people. We want someone who is going to make their own mark on Food Network.” — Bobby Flay

“Cooking is a subject you can never know enough about. There is always something new to discover.” — Bobby Flay

“Working in a restaurant means being part of a family, albeit usually a slightly dysfunctional one. Nothing is accomplished independently.” — Joe Bastianich

“I believe it’s a cook’s moral obligation to add more butter given the chance.” — Michael Ruhlman

I believe that there is always something new to learn, in fact, that is one of the three reasons that I chose to become a chef, that my education is never over.” — Anne Burrell

“A recipe has no soul. You, as the cook, must bring soul to the recipe.” — Thomas Keller

“It’s not about perfection; it’s about the joy of striving.” — Thomas Keller

“I was 32 when I started cooking; up until then, I just ate.” Julia Child

“In cooking you’ve got to have a what-the-hell attitude.” — Julia Child

“Food is a necessary component to life. People can live without Renoir, Mozart, Gaudi, Beckett, but they cannot live without food.” — Grant Achatz

“The way you make an omelet reveals your character”. — Anthony Bourdain

“What you feel like eating at any given moment is what you should have.” — Ferran Adria

“The key to running a successful kitchen is what I call the ‘3 F’s.’ Be Firm, Be Fair, and Be Friendly with your staff, your guests, and yourself.” — Will Gilson

“I always say that I don’t believe I’m a chef. I try to be a storyteller.” — Jose Andres

“If an architect makes a mistake, he grows ivy to cover it. If a doctor makes a mistake, he covers it with soil. If a cook makes a mistake, he covers it with some sauce and says it is a new recipe.” — Paul Bocuse

“If you only design menus that are essentially junk or fast food, the whole infrastructure supports junk.” — Jamie Oliver

“Cooking is the ultimate giving.” — Jamie Oliver

“If it doesn’t taste good it doesn’t go on the menu.” — Heston Blumenthal

“‘Chef’ doesn’t mean that you’re the best cook, it simply means ‘boss.’” — Tom Colicchio

“What you feel like eating at any given moment is what you should have.” — Ferran Adria

“A home cook who relies too much on a recipe is sort of like a pilot who reads the plane’s instruction manual while flying.” Alto Brown

“If people are made to feel uncomfortable in the kitchen, they won’t go in there. That’s why I think children learning to cook can be such a wonderful thing.” Giada De Laurentiis

“Chefs have a new opportunity — and perhaps even an obligation — to inform the public about what is good to eat, and why.” — Rene Redzepi

“The kitchen really is the castle itself. This is where we spend our happiest moments and where we find the joy of being a family.” — Mario Batali”

“Many people are scared of their own kitchen because they confuse unfamiliar with difficult.” — Michael Smith

Originally published at https://www.grithp.com

